Panorama Caravan Park Rules

Your site remains the property of Panorama Caravan Park.
Park residents bear the cost of any damage done by them or visitors to any park property.
The park owner/management accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to resident’s property or possessions however caused.
Site rent must always be kept 1 week in advance.
Residents must not annoy other residents and all noise to cease before 10pm.
No residence to be sublet.
Parents must be responsible for their children and keep them in site at all times. Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult. Panorama Caravan Park or its management is not responsible for your children.
Residents must maintain their site in a clean and tidy state.
No additional structures to be fixed to any park home or caravan without written authorisation of Panorama Caravan Park management.
No business can be operated or advertised from Panorama Caravan Park without management authority.
The speed limit throughout the caravan park is strictly walking pace (8km/h)
Trucks, large trailers, boats and large machinery are not permitted in the park without Panorama Caravan Park’s owner/managements permission.
No Mechanical repairs to be done in Panorama Caravan Park
No Unlicensed vehicles are permitted in Panorama Caravan Park
Pets are allowed in Panorama Caravan Park with permission of the park owner or Management. Pets are to be registered and restrained at all times. You must pick up all your dog’s droppings immediately.
Pets must not be a nuisance to other residents.
Power cables are to be put above head height after 30 days.
Please use clothes lines provided, Rope lines are not permitted.
Grey Water is to be disposed of through sullage points provided or caught in a container to be disposed of correctly, no disposing of grey water on the grass.
DISCLAIMER: Owners and / or managment assume no responsibility for accidents, injuries, or loss of any kind. We reserve the right to select or clientele and guests. We reserve the right to evict any person(s) for detrimental conduct or failure to abide by our rules. Your reservation guarantees you a site - not a particular site. Please note that further conditions apply.
Panorama Caravan Park Management